Corn Chowder Recipe

**Servings:** 2

- **Total Time:** 45 minutes
- **Preparation Time:** 15 minutes
- **Overnight Preparation Required:** Not applicable
- **Cooking Time:** 30 minutes

- Induction stovetop
- Medium pot or Dutch oven
- Cutting board and knife
- Measuring cups and spoons
- Spoon or spatula

- 2 ears of corn (or 1.5 cups frozen corn)
- 1/2 medium onion, chopped
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 1 medium potato, peeled and diced
- 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
- 1.5 cups vegetable or chicken broth
- 1/2 cup milk or cream
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Fresh parsley or chives for garnish (optional)


1. **Prepare the Corn:**
   - If using fresh corn, cut the kernels off the cobs. Set aside.

2. **Cook the Vegetables:**
   - In a medium pot or Dutch oven, melt the butter over medium heat on the induction stovetop.
   - Add the chopped onion and cook until softened, about 5 minutes.
   - Add the minced garlic and cook for another 1 minute.

3. **Make the Base:**
   - Sprinkle the flour over the onions and garlic, stirring constantly for 1-2 minutes to form a roux.
   - Gradually add the broth, stirring continuously to avoid lumps.

4. **Add the Main Ingredients:**
   - Add the diced potatoes, corn kernels, and chopped red bell pepper to the pot.
   - Bring to a simmer and cook for 15-20 minutes, or until the potatoes are tender.

5. **Finish the Chowder:**
   - Stir in the milk or cream and season with salt and pepper to taste.
   - Cook for an additional 5 minutes, ensuring the chowder is heated through but not boiling.

6. **Serve:**
   - Ladle the chowder into bowls and garnish with fresh parsley or chives if desired.

**Health Benefits:**
- High in fiber from corn and potatoes
- Provides vitamins and antioxidants from vegetables
- Contains calcium and protein from milk or cream

corn chowder, creamy soup, comfort food, easy recipe, vegetarian option

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